Maryland Tourism Development Board Legislation

House Bill 1590
The act that established the Maryland Tourism Development Board and defined its membership, governance and responsibilities.
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House Bill 1590 Responsibilities of the MTDB
An act outlining the goals and responsibilities of the Maryland Tourism Development Board. Includes list of documents to be produced by the Board annually.
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House Bill 690
An act which increased the membership of the Maryland Tourism Development Board and defined which levels of government which appointed the members.
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Senate Bill 0087
This bill alters the voting membership of the Maryland Tourism Development Board by granting three existing nonvoting members appointed by the Governor the right to vote. The composition of the board remains otherwise unchanged.
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Senate Bill 458 Tourism Promotion Act of 2008
Requiring the Maryland Tourism Development Board to provide grants to the destination marketing organizations and financial assistance to the Office of Tourism Development; requiring the Comptroller, on or before August 1 each year, to make a specified calculation regarding specified annual sales and use tax revenues collected on the retail sale of tourist-oriented goods and services under specified codes after consultation with the Department of Business and Economic Development; etc.
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