Research Links & Resources
This page contains links to other relevant government agencies, tourism research suppliers, travel associations, and various other travel research web sites.

State and Local Resources
The Maryland Association of Destination Marketing Organizations
Maryland Tourism Coalition
Maryland Wineries Association
The Brewers Association of Maryland (BAM)
Restaurant Association of Maryland
Maryland Hotel & Lodging Association
Maryland Gaming Commission
BWI Airport
Main Street Maryland Program
Maryland Department of Commerce
Maryland Chamber of Commerce
Maryland Heritage Areas
Maryland Scenic Byways
Maryland State Highway Administration
Tourism Sales and Use Tax Revenues Reports form the Comptroller of Maryland
Admissions and Amusement Tax Receipts
Maryland Stadium Authority Admissions and Amusement Tax Rates
Maryland Horse Breeders Association
Maryland Park Service
Maryland Department of Natural Resources
Cycle Maryland
C&O Canal Association
National Resources
U.S. Travel Association
ITA Office of Travel & Tourism Industries (International Travel to U.S.)
Travel and Tourism Research Association
National Park Service
Air Transport Association
U.S. Census Bureau
Bureau of Economic Analysis
Bureau of Labor Statistics
Bureau of Transportation Statistics
U.S. Conference Board
American Bus Association
Destinations International
Travel and Tourism Research Association - Southeast Chapter